KKday廣告文宣:泰國 TrueMove H Tourist SIM 遊客卡,高速 3G / 4G 上網 SIM 卡,各大超商都可以充值(包含 7-11、全家便利商店、Tesco Lotus 等),還加贈 100 泰銖通話費(市價 299 泰銖)! KKday 獨家價格,含寄送破天荒市場最低價!
博主的話:拜託妳們一定要買這個,8天才133元,我到泰國機場,現場辦理是200 泰銖,雖然差價不多,但有省就是賺呀
Please mostly buy this, it only takes 133 NT for 8 days usage, it takes 200 THB if you apply this in BKK airport.And it's alos help me to contact with my lover timely.
Picture:為2018/12/9 @ Thailand simo MRT station